Hey there !

I'm Realtor Vinit Jain, Residential housing expert.

If you dont like your Lessor call me I'm your Realtor

Would be happy to hear tring-tring from you regarding any property thing.

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We can manage your dream building A small river named Duden flows by their place

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About my Journey

Early career

its all starts from 2008 My journey to Real estate start with a job, it is always said, "invest you time before investing money" and what will be better than working for some one to earn money as well experience at the same time. Job Career I started as a Floor Manager in City mall 36 at Raipur, but my love to Real Estate Dragged me to Avinash Group, Largest developer of Chhattisgarh as Assistant Manager, after working few years, I switched and promoted to sales head at Green Earth City and that was my last Job just before my entrepreneurial Journey.

Career as a Consultant and Realtor

My entrepreneurial journey started again with Avinash Group on Avinash Capital Homes Project, but that was just a start i have completed many projects under my belt in Raipur, and initially created expertise in budget housing specially in Multistoried apartment and now mixed my working in between plotting and multistoried.

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How it works

involves building a web platform that showcases the services and process of a real estate


Evaluate Your Property

Property evaluation is the process of determining the fair market value of a property, considering factors like its location, condition, recent sales of comparable properties


Meet Your Agent

"Meet Your Agent" is an effective way to establish a personal connection and build trust between the real estate agent and their potential clients.


Close the deal

"Closing the deal" is the final stage of a transaction or negotiation, where all necessary steps are taken to complete an agreement successfully.


Contact Me


Flat 17, Mig Block 1, Himalayan Heights, Devpuri, Raipur - 492015

Contact Number